1. mltools机器学习工具包应用示例¶
mltools是从项目实战中提炼出来的一套机器学习工具包,其主要目标是加快数据探索、数据抽取、清洗转换、模型训练,让机器学习工程师专注数据分析和模型选择与评估。依赖的包主要有:numpy、pandas、sklearn、seaborn,统计部分有一点scipy.stats、 statsmodels.stats内容。
2. 加载库和数据¶
# Data manipulation
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from mltools import explore,feature,plot,mlcluster
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
# More Data Preprocessing & Machine Learning
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer,KNNImputer,IterativeImputer
from sklearn import cluster
#from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler,StandardScaler,RobustScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer,QuantileTransformer
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
2.1. 数据产生¶
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=500,n_features=5,random_state=1)
col_0 | col_1 | col_2 | col_3 | col_4 | |
0 | -0.141771 | 3.654010 | -5.561710 | 6.749957 | -10.852914 |
1 | 0.153257 | 5.490891 | -6.294500 | 8.674817 | -9.285383 |
2 | -0.533027 | 3.889833 | -4.095322 | 6.606851 | -9.233252 |
3 | -8.643535 | -5.900542 | -1.883994 | -2.157399 | 2.746535 |
4 | -8.789110 | -6.779138 | -1.622573 | -2.022040 | 0.066330 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
495 | -0.031133 | 3.026263 | -9.972184 | -2.564078 | -6.760700 |
496 | -2.183581 | 2.950700 | -9.002360 | -4.301135 | -8.456502 |
497 | -7.936597 | -6.994555 | -3.890593 | -2.240007 | 2.246613 |
498 | -8.286480 | -6.189705 | -1.910791 | -2.266651 | -0.153064 |
499 | -8.544259 | -6.542836 | -2.444902 | -1.410030 | 1.076530 |
500 rows × 5 columns
2.2. 加入Nan¶
mask = np.random.choice(choice_list, size=data.shape,p=p,replace=True)
col_0 | col_1 | col_2 | col_3 | col_4 | |
7 | -1.286570 | NaN | -6.176012 | 8.124907 | -10.120067 |
16 | -7.883550 | -5.089507 | -2.704176 | NaN | 1.533754 |
21 | -7.131833 | -5.573617 | NaN | -1.741799 | -0.128209 |
27 | -1.381526 | 5.096522 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
29 | -1.937638 | NaN | -9.959491 | -2.463272 | -4.467091 |
46 | -7.750437 | -5.205726 | NaN | -3.258757 | -0.313626 |
56 | NaN | -5.085142 | -3.509735 | -0.551581 | -0.409423 |
73 | -6.963466 | -6.963849 | -3.420619 | NaN | 0.137765 |
89 | -0.923590 | 3.055128 | -8.873487 | -4.539752 | NaN |
90 | -8.934573 | NaN | -3.604700 | -1.409286 | 2.194878 |
95 | 0.833859 | NaN | -7.228685 | 7.163602 | -7.794042 |
117 | -6.913303 | -7.804767 | NaN | -2.670003 | 1.175212 |
127 | -7.618104 | -5.807176 | -1.887277 | NaN | -0.398539 |
132 | -0.408670 | 3.963432 | -6.710602 | NaN | -10.945749 |
138 | -0.939700 | 5.784000 | -9.912916 | -4.464145 | NaN |
139 | -0.203479 | 4.152881 | -6.715668 | NaN | -8.827473 |
140 | -0.576282 | NaN | -5.975531 | 7.387683 | -10.071748 |
160 | -8.328621 | -6.772762 | -2.714645 | -3.689514 | NaN |
164 | -0.584305 | 4.802059 | -10.227054 | -4.497832 | NaN |
166 | -1.949085 | NaN | -5.111942 | 7.527439 | -10.178813 |
175 | -1.731877 | NaN | -5.210435 | 9.771156 | -9.591718 |
188 | -0.347004 | 4.217912 | NaN | 8.964273 | -10.266166 |
192 | NaN | 5.831704 | -6.950209 | 6.876678 | -10.238876 |
219 | -9.234538 | -7.610726 | -3.759727 | NaN | 1.507948 |
221 | -0.903702 | NaN | -6.410009 | 8.215268 | -11.519422 |
226 | -9.188071 | NaN | -3.444390 | -2.188615 | NaN |
242 | -2.857065 | 1.680626 | -8.593365 | -4.073770 | NaN |
251 | -9.074263 | -6.421705 | -2.793038 | NaN | -0.936332 |
265 | NaN | -7.659325 | -1.195496 | -1.668099 | 1.495399 |
293 | -8.888966 | -6.142600 | -4.033103 | -1.893275 | NaN |
316 | -7.193460 | -7.067357 | NaN | -2.906014 | 2.840359 |
346 | NaN | 5.371377 | -10.739167 | -2.634757 | -7.374552 |
364 | -6.876723 | -7.914889 | NaN | -1.589900 | 2.075189 |
373 | -3.176953 | NaN | -5.125969 | 8.706169 | -10.143616 |
379 | NaN | 4.141529 | -8.890430 | -5.302085 | -6.473979 |
381 | -8.301266 | -7.224314 | -4.448187 | NaN | 1.395000 |
391 | -8.128794 | -8.077865 | -3.902213 | NaN | 1.371146 |
395 | -9.424622 | -7.716436 | -3.994138 | -3.361358 | NaN |
397 | -0.614359 | 5.416865 | NaN | -3.235759 | -7.315587 |
399 | -8.976534 | -6.099075 | NaN | -2.172709 | 1.261013 |
402 | -0.192786 | NaN | -8.981948 | -3.237669 | -5.332705 |
421 | -0.885676 | NaN | -9.750204 | -5.669639 | -6.477809 |
443 | -1.351757 | NaN | -8.470801 | -4.297299 | -8.402905 |
449 | -7.586178 | -5.888475 | -1.585598 | NaN | 1.088758 |
489 | -7.704753 | NaN | -3.396437 | -1.353495 | 2.916061 |
2.3. 加入重复数据¶
''' Repeat without index '''
data = pd.concat([data]+[ds]*3, ignore_index=True)
col_0 | col_1 | col_2 | col_3 | col_4 | |
0 | -0.141771 | 3.654010 | -5.561710 | 6.749957 | -10.852914 |
1 | 0.153257 | 5.490891 | -6.294500 | 8.674817 | -9.285383 |
2 | -0.533027 | 3.889833 | -4.095322 | 6.606851 | -9.233252 |
3 | -8.643535 | -5.900542 | -1.883994 | -2.157399 | 2.746535 |
4 | -8.789110 | -6.779138 | -1.622573 | -2.022040 | 0.066330 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
525 | -2.003885 | 5.311449 | -9.693497 | -2.498029 | -7.332512 |
526 | -7.193460 | -7.067357 | NaN | -2.906014 | 2.840359 |
527 | -7.704753 | NaN | -3.396437 | -1.353495 | 2.916061 |
528 | -8.731049 | -6.014554 | -3.033054 | -2.248544 | -0.737050 |
529 | -1.722663 | 4.089757 | -11.366473 | -5.031462 | -7.357258 |
530 rows × 5 columns
3. 数据整理(探索)¶
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 530 entries, 0 to 529
Data columns (total 5 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 col_0 525 non-null float64
1 col_1 510 non-null float64
2 col_2 518 non-null float64
3 col_3 519 non-null float64
4 col_4 521 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(5)
memory usage: 20.8 KB
3.1. 空缺值分析¶
total_missing | missing_percent | |
col_1 | 20 | 3.77 |
col_2 | 12 | 2.26 |
col_3 | 11 | 2.08 |
col_4 | 9 | 1.70 |
col_0 | 5 | 0.94 |
3.2. 重复值分析¶
False 500
True 30
dtype: int64
3.3. 唯一值分析¶
nunique |
3.4. 负值分析¶
negative_count | negative_percent | |
col_2 | 518 | 97.74 |
col_0 | 506 | 95.47 |
col_4 | 387 | 73.02 |
col_3 | 352 | 66.42 |
col_1 | 176 | 33.21 |
3.5. 异常数据分析¶
异常值分析有两种方法:IQR和均值标准差方法,阈值可以任意设定。对IQR方法,通常设定method=‘IQR’, threshold=1.5;极端异常值分析threshold=3。均值标准差方法通常设定method=‘mean_std’, threshold=3。 outlier_df表示各列异常值情况。异常值的处理在特征清洗与转换进行。
lower_fence | upper_fence | lower_outlier | upper_outlier | total_outlier | total_percent | |
col_0 | -16.91 | 7.86 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
col_1 | -20.60 | 19.24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
col_2 | -17.83 | 5.08 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
col_3 | -18.69 | 22.18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
col_4 | -22.27 | 13.49 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 |
col_0 | col_1 | col_2 | col_3 | col_4 |
3.6. 可视化¶
4. 数据清洗及特征选择¶
4.1. VIF特征选择¶
VIF | Column | |
0 | 4.841115 | col_3 |
1 | 10.261113 | col_0 |
2 | 12.944953 | col_1 |
3 | 24.882742 | col_2 |
4 | 26.979943 | col_4 |
VIF | Column | |
0 | 1.095365 | col_3 |
1 | 1.308480 | col_0 |
2 | 1.410221 | col_1 |
5. 特征转换与可视化¶
5.1. 特征转换及其正态检验¶
trans_method_list = ['cbrt', 'reciprocal', 'square', 'cube', 'minmax', 'zscore', 'robust', 'quant', 'yeo']
orginal | cbrt | reciprocal | square | cube | minmax | zscore | robust | quant | yeo | |
col_0 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Normal | - |
col_1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Normal | - |
col_3 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Normal | - |
5.2. 特征转换可视化¶
trans_method_list = ['cbrt', 'reciprocal', 'square', 'cube', 'minmax', 'zscore', 'robust', 'quant', 'yeo']
6. 模型选择及评估¶
mlcluster.ClusterScorePlot继承了pipeline,参数定义中的cls为pipeline的steps,本例中清洗、转换、聚类作为参数设置。 mlcluster.ClusterScorePlot还可以设置清洗、转换、聚类方法的参数,对于复杂项目可以构建更复杂的管道。
6.1. 模型初评¶
#setup steps:
cls =[('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
#setup param_grid
param_grid = [
{ 'imputer': [None],
'scaler': [None],
#setup scoring:
scoring = ['da', 'si', 'ca']
6.2. 模型调参¶
6.2.1. 参数定义¶
#setup steps:
cls =[('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
#setup param_grid
lr = LinearRegression()
imp = IterativeImputer(estimator=lr,missing_values=np.nan, max_iter=10, verbose=2, imputation_order='roman',random_state=0)
imp1 = IterativeImputer(random_state=0)
knn = KNNImputer(n_neighbors=2, add_indicator=True)
param_grid = [
{ 'imputer': [SimpleImputer(strategy='median'),imp,imp1,knn, None],
'scaler': [MinMaxScaler(),StandardScaler(),RobustScaler(),PowerTransformer(),None],
cluster.DBSCAN(eps=0.30, min_samples=10),
{ 'imputer': [SimpleImputer(strategy='median'),imp,imp1,knn, None],
'scaler': [QuantileTransformer(n_quantiles=100,random_state=0)],
cluster.DBSCAN(eps=0.30, min_samples=10),
'scaler__output_distribution':['uniform', 'normal']}]
#setup scoring:
scoring = ['da', 'si', 'ca']
6.2.2. 参数网格搜索¶
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.02
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.
param | da | si | ca | |
0 | {'cluster': AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3), 'imputer': KNNImputer(add_indicator=True, n_neighbors=2), 'scaler': None} | 0.266248 | 0.813408 | 5384.130887 |
1 | {'cluster': AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3), 'imputer': None, 'scaler': None} | 0.263954 | 0.814534 | 5035.913689 |
2 | {'cluster': KMeans(n_clusters=3), 'imputer': IterativeImputer(estimator=LinearRegression(), imputation_order='roman', random_state=0, verbose=2), 'scaler': None} | 0.270683 | 0.809068 | 5133.544989 |
3 | {'cluster': KMeans(n_clusters=3), 'imputer': IterativeImputer(random_state=0), 'scaler': None} | 0.270805 | 0.808884 | 5123.920033 |
4 | {'cluster': KMeans(n_clusters=3), 'imputer': KNNImputer(add_indicator=True, n_neighbors=2), 'scaler': None} | 0.266248 | 0.813408 | 5384.130887 |
5 | {'cluster': KMeans(n_clusters=3), 'imputer': None, 'scaler': None} | 0.263954 | 0.814534 | 5035.913689 |
6 | {'cluster': GaussianMixture(n_components=3), 'imputer': KNNImputer(add_indicator=True, n_neighbors=2), 'scaler': None} | 0.266248 | 0.813408 | 5384.130887 |
7 | {'cluster': GaussianMixture(n_components=3), 'imputer': None, 'scaler': None} | 0.263954 | 0.814534 | 5035.913689 |
6.2.3. 根据最佳参数绘图¶
#setup param_grid
[IterativeImputer] Completing matrix with shape (530, 3)
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 1/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 7.620284332034443, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 2/10, elapsed time 0.00
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.11316669398578494, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Ending imputation round 3/10, elapsed time 0.01
[IterativeImputer] Change: 0.00012243243720222452, scaled tolerance: 0.011335356993707154
[IterativeImputer] Early stopping criterion reached.