Source code for explore

import pandas as pd

# 2021.09.14 Created by Daniel SY wang

[docs]def null_count(data): """ 空缺值统计 Return the columns's null count and percent with null count great zero as a pandas Dataframe Parameters ---------- data : df pandas Dataframe Returns ------- result : df pandas Dataframe with null count and percent """ result = pd.concat([data.isnull().sum(), data.isnull().mean()*100], axis=1) result = result.rename(index=str, columns={ 0: 'total_missing', 1: 'missing_percent'}) # result.round(2)pd小数位数:2位 col = result.columns[0] result = result[result[col] > 0].sort_values( by=col, ascending=False).round(2) return result
[docs]def unique_count(data): """ 唯一值检查\n Return the columns's with one value as a pandas Dataframe Parameters ---------- data : df pandas Dataframe Returns ------- unique_df : df pandas Dataframe with one value """ unique_stats = pd.DataFrame(data.nunique()).rename(columns={0: 'nunique'}) # 不需要索引名 # unique_stats.index.set_names('feature',inplace=True) col = unique_stats.columns[0] unique_df = unique_stats[unique_stats[col] == 1] return unique_df
[docs]def zero_count(data): """ 每列0值统计\n Return the columns's zero count and percent with zero count great zero as a pandas Dataframe Parameters ---------- data : df pandas Dataframe Returns ------- zero_df : df pandas Dataframe with zero count and percent. """ zero_df = pd.DataFrame(data[data == 0].count()).sort_values( by=0, ascending=False).rename(columns={0: 'zero_count'}) zero_df['zero_percent'] = (zero_df['zero_count']/len(data)*100).round(2) col = zero_df.columns[0] zero_df = zero_df[zero_df[col] > 0] return zero_df
[docs]def negative_count(data): """ 每列负值统计\n Return the columns's negative value count and percent with negative count great zero as a pandas Dataframe Parameters ---------- data : df pandas Dataframe Returns ------- negative_df : df pandas Dataframe with negative count and percent """ negative_df = pd.DataFrame(data[data < 0].count()).sort_values( 0, ascending=False).rename(columns={0: 'negative_count'}) negative_df['negative_percent'] = ( negative_df['negative_count']/len(data)*100).round(2) col = negative_df.columns[0] negative_df = negative_df[negative_df[col] > 0] return negative_df
[docs]def outlier_detect(data, method='IQR', threshold=1.5): """ 每列离群点统计 outlier detection by Mean and Standard Deviation Method. If a value is a certain number(called threshold) of standard deviations away from the mean, that data point is identified as an outlier. The more extreme the outlier, the more the standard deviation is affected. outlier detection by Interquartile Ranges Rule, also known as Tukey's test. calculate the IQR ( 75th quantile - 25th quantile) and the 25th 75th quantile. Any value beyond is regarded as outliers. upper bound = 75th quantile + (IQR * threshold) lower bound = 25th quantile - (IQR * threshold) Parameters ---------- data : df pandas Dataframe method : string 'IQR','mean_std' threshold : float for IQR Default is 1.5,extreme 3. for mean_std is 3. Returns ------- df_count : df pandas Dataframe with outlier count and percent outlier_df : df outlier values of each columns """ if method == 'mean_std': upper_fence = data.mean()+threshold*data.std() lower_fence = data.mean()-threshold*data.std() elif method == 'IQR': qt75 = data.quantile(0.75) qt25 = data.quantile(0.25) IQR = qt75-qt25 upper_fence = qt75+threshold*IQR lower_fence = qt25-threshold*IQR upper_count = data[data > upper_fence].count() lower_count = data[data < lower_fence].count() outlier_count = pd.concat( [lower_fence, upper_fence, lower_count, upper_count], axis=1) outlier_count.columns = ['lower_fence', 'upper_fence', 'lower_outlier', 'upper_outlier'] outlier_count['total_outlier'] = outlier_count['lower_outlier'] + \ outlier_count['upper_outlier'] outlier_count['total_percent'] = outlier_count['total_outlier'] / \ len(data)*100 df_count = outlier_count.sort_values( by='total_outlier', ascending=False).round(2) outlier_df = data[(data > upper_fence) | ( data < lower_fence)].dropna(how='all') return df_count, outlier_df
[docs]def delete_extreme_outlier(data, method='IQR', threshold=3): """ | delete extreme outlier | outlier detected by Mean and Standard Deviation Method. | If a value is a certain number(called threshold) of standard deviations away | from the mean, that data point is identified as an outlier. The more extreme outlier, the more the standard deviation is affected. Outlier detection by Interquartile Ranges Rule, also known as Tukey's test. calculate the IQR ( 75th quantile - 25th quantile) and the 25th 75th quantile. Any value beyond is regarded as outliers. upper_bound = 75th quantile + (IQR * threshold) lower_bound = 25th quantile - (IQR * threshold) Parameters ---------- data : df pandas Dataframe method : string 'IQR','mean_std' threshold : float for IQR Default is 1.5,extreme 3. for mean_std is 3. Returns ------- df : df pandas Dataframe without extreme outlier """ if method == 'mean_std': upper_fence = data.mean()+threshold*data.std() lower_fence = data.mean()-threshold*data.std() elif method == 'IQR': qt75 = data.quantile(0.75) qt25 = data.quantile(0.25) IQR = qt75-qt25 upper_fence = qt75+threshold*IQR lower_fence = qt25-threshold*IQR df = data[(data > lower_fence) & (data < upper_fence)] return df